Here is the latest email from Melissa. Please continue to pray for her and the team as they travel to the villages and share the gospel.
Okay, so we just got back from Kaseke (Kuh-say-kay) about two hours ago, and now have about an hour and a half to send emails. (Right when we got home, we had to pack up our stuff, as we are staying in Harold and Coni's house and are moving in with one of the nationals, and then we had to do laundry...we got so dirty!) So, here are some of the details I can remember off hand, as I forgot to bring my journal here with me.
*We got to Kaseke and set up our camp with about two hundred kids and adults watching. Pretty much the entire outreach was amazing because sooooo many people came to know Christ! With us putting on the Kids Club, painting the girls nails, crocheting with the older girls (sp?), playing soccer and other games (including some carnival games!), having a medical clinic set up that pretty much ran nonstop from 9:00am to 7:00pm, the villagers were really prepared to hear what we came there for. Thursday night we played "The Jesus Film" in Swahili, and then Friday night we played "The Passion" in which one of our nationals, Gabriel, translated and added commentary in Swahili. The number of people who came to Christ these two nights was incredible!!! I pretty much hung out with this other intern, Jason, the whole time during the movies and we were able to answer some pretty deep questions to some villagers that would come up to us during the movie. One woman wanted help in understanding the trinity so she could better explain it to her Muslim friends. It was awesome! God did so much work there. Unfortunately, on the other hand, the poverty and illness/diseases that were there were overwhelming. Despite the fact that almost all of the people are wearing clothes that they have probably worn for days, maybe months, most have sicknesses or possibly worse diseases, and that they probably don't all get to eat everyday, they had more joy than so many that I've seen in America. It really was a beautiful depiction of what joy is.
*Tonight we're going to the Youth Night at the Bible College. All of the other interns went last Saturday, but since I wasn't in until Sunday, this will be my first time going on that. Tomorrow the "Team" gets here. On Wednesday, we leave for another village outreach. I can't remember the name of it...Ululu???. Anyway, we will be gone for 9 days. I'm so glad that we were able to go on this short one to better prepare us for it. Seriously, we were dirty! It took a long time before the shower water ran clean :)
Okay, I think that is it for now. My time is running short, but I love you all and miss you and I'm praying for you! Please continue to pray that God would be glorified in all that we are doing out here. That our time would not be in vain!!!
p.s. if you could send this out to anyone who might want to read it, that would be super!
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