I am going to go on Safari this Friday through Sunday with the team!!! I didn't think I'd get to go on one because the interns go after I'm gone, but the Lord totally worked it out so I get to go and not miss out on ministry!!! Hooray!
Well, I think that is all for now. I can't believe I only have a couple weeks left. I understand so much, Eric, how you felt as your time was ending here. I will miss it like I couldn't have imagined. But, Lord willing, I will try to come back every summer I can! I hope and pray you are all doing well. I love you and miss you all! Please pray for this upcoming week. We have an outreach in the next town over, so please pray that God would be glorified through it!!! (the town is called Kamala)
p.s. Carrie, in one of the notes that you wrote on Thursday, July 17th, you mentioned ice cream and how I was missing it. WEll, God has blessed all of us Americans (and especially Harold!!!) because a few weeks before we got here in Kigoma, they finally got ice cream out here! Between the 8 interns and 11 team members (8 now...3 left early), we had nearly cleaned out the Kigoma Bakery of all their ice cream! So, rest assured, I have had my fair share :)
1 comment:
YES! I got a shout out from Melissa! woo hoo!!
Yay for ice cream! I love you, and we all think of you OFTEN! I hung up pictures of you (from this blogsite) on our mission wall in the church lobby, and we prayed for you in our prayer meeting on Sunday morning. Can't wait to see you!!!
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